Software Development

Let’s Help Your Business Growth!

We guarantee the full transparency of our software development process
and services at all stages of building a project and provide:

full cycle developments

quality assurance

after sales support

Pre-sales consultation


Products We Developed


university system is software designed to automate a school's diverse operations from classes, exams to university events calendar.


Notary management system wa system ku fududeynaayo inaad ku maareyso notayadada adigo si fudud ku maamulayo howl malmeedka sida warejinta dhulalka, guryaha, baabuurta, heshiisyada muraabaxada iyo dhaman howlaha nootayadada.


Restaurant management system is a type of point-of-sale software specifically designed for restaurants, bars, food trucks and others


Online shoping system wa system ku fududeynaayo in aad badeecadaada ku iibiso qaaab online ah. Macaamishaada waxay isticmaalayaan appka si ay wax ugataan ayaga oo gurigooda joogo.


Hospital management system software is a tailor-made application designed to cater to the complex business requirements of a hospital,

Inventory and accounting

Inventory and Accounting management software is a software system for tracking inventory levels, orders, sales and deliveries and others


Human Recourse Management System wa system ku fududeynaayo inaad ku maareyso xogta shaqaalaha, xaadirinta shaqalaha,fasaxyada shaqalaha,hubinta howlaha shaqalaha,mushaar bixinta shaqalaha,soo bandhigidda iyo daabicidda dhamaan waxa quseeya shaqalaha iyo mareeynta dhamaan howl malmeedka shaqaalaha.

Water Billing System

Water Billing System is an automated system that was based on paying water bills. Invoicing,Customer,Manage Staff ,Reports and etc